Crisis Standards of Care and Treatment Decision-Making

Register Here Defines and explores the potential causes resulting in crisis standards of care, discusses potential situations resulting in prioritization of care, and explores legal, moral, and ethical considerations and […]

N-95 Fit Testing Train-the-Trainer for Healthcare

Children's Board of Tampa 1002 East Palm Avenue, Tampa, FL, United States

Class 1: 8am - 12pm Class 2: 1pm - 5pm This class will cover the basics of N-95 respirators, the requirements for their use, and the processes for conducting qualitative (the […]

2023 Plugged In Speaker Series-Mental Fitness

Register Here Speaker: Loree Draude, Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer, & Motivational Speaker Loree Draude was one of the first women to fly combat jets in the U.S. Navy. She deployed […]

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