Mass Casualty Incident Response (HCV2)

Click Here To Apply Provides mass casualty triage education and practical experience in the application of the SALT (Sort, Assess,Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport) Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm. The instruction addresses globalsorting of mass casualties, assessment of individual patients, performance of on-scene lifesaving interventions and thetreatment, stabilization, and transport of patients for further treatment in a healthcare […]

Healthcare Facility Preparedness (HCV8)

Register Here Examines the requirements and considerations for preparing a community and associated healthcare facilities to capably respond and recover from a health or medical emergency. The instruction explores topics such as effective coordination, communication, and establishment of a common operating picture; understandings and agreements with relevant private sector, volunteer, and non governmental organizations; caching […]

Planning, Response, and Management of Radiological and Nuclear Incidents (HMTV4

Register Here   An examination of the requirements, considerations, and tools for managing a radiological or nuclear event in a community. Addresses likely sources of a radiological or nuclear incident; Federal, State, and local response resources. The three phases of a radiological or nuclear response; elements of early phase response; radiological dosimetry calculations; a brief […]

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