If you have a need that cannot be met with your existing contracts or organizations, please contact your county’s EOC ESF-8 desk to request resources from the Coalition or County. For a list of deployable assets available through the coalition, please refer to the Mission Ready Packages (Deployable Assets) at Tampa Bay HMPC.
Below are some resources that you may find helpful in this response/recovery phase.
- Electric Provider Status in the State of Florida
- Publix Store Status
- Winn-Dixie Store Closure Status
- GasBuddy Emergency Fuel Tracker
- Waze real-time driving directions
Florida 511 (FL511) Advanced Traveler Information System
Florida Highway Patrol – Florida Highway Patrol Live Traffic Crash and Road Condition Report. Reports are updated every five minutes.
State of Florida Waivers: CMS waivers are available to providers in Florida who have been affected by Hurricane Milton. Healthcare providers who need additional flexibilities specific to the effects resulting from Hurricane Milton can submit a request to CMS here: https://cmsqualitysupport.servicenowservices.com/cms_1135
HHS Letter re: Supply Chain Disruptions
Reporting Facility Damage: For those hospitals that evacuated, you need approval from AHCA to reopen. For facilities with no or minimal damage, you may conduct a self-assessment to be shared and reviewed with AHCA. Contact information for AHCA’s Office of Plans and Construction are on our website. Facilities with significant damage may need a survey by the AHCA Office of Plans and Construction or Field Operations to reopen; these facilities should provide updates in HFRS and review the Damage Assessment Guidelines.
Health Plan Flexibilities: On Tuesday, FHA issued a letter to all health plans operating in Florida, requesting flexibilities and waivers for administrative policies or processes instead of “business as usual.” We urged that hospitals need a uniform approach where all plans are doing the same thing, not the variation we saw with past emergencies.
Marketplace Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Hurricane Victims: During a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declared Major or Emergency disaster event, individuals who reside in states served by HealthCare.gov and who miss their existing SEP or who miss enrollment during the Open Enrollment Period are eligible for an SEP to enroll in Marketplace coverage. FEMA-emergency-affected individuals will have up to 60 days from the end of the FEMA-designated incident period to select a new Marketplace plan or make changes to their existing Marketplace plan. FEMA-emergency-affected individuals must contact the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 or TTY at 1855-889-4325 and indicate they were eligible for an enrollment window but were unable to complete their enrollment due to a FEMA-designated emergency or disaster. For more information, please visit: https://www.cms.gov/cciio/resources/regulations-and-guidance/fema_sep
Dialysis Care: CMS is helping people obtain and maintain access to critical life-saving services by activating the Kidney Community Emergency Response (KCER) program and working with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network 7, which is responsible under a contract with CMS for assessing the status of dialysis facilities in potentially impacted areas of Florida. This includes assessing impacts related to generators, alternate water supplies, providing education and materials for patients, and more. ESRD Network 7 is also assisting people to receive dialysis services in the location to which they evacuated. CMS, through ESRD Network 7, has also advised people to keep an emergency supply kit on hand in a waterproof bag, containing important personal, medical, and insurance information; contact information for their dialysis facility; the ESRD Network hotline number; and contact information of those with whom they may stay or for out-of-state contacts. They have also been instructed to have on hand supplies to follow a three-day emergency diet.
The ESRD Network 7 (Florida) toll-free hotline is 1-800.826.3773. Additional information is available on the KCER website at www.kcercoalition.com.
Need Assistance & Have a Disability?
If you’ve been impacted by Hurricane Milton and need assistance, please contact the U.S. Disability & Disaster Hotline at (800) 626-4959 or email hotline@