Hernando County Health Care Coalition

(Hernando ESF-8 Working Group)

Amy Bennett


About Us

The ESF-8 WG is a network of organizations active in disasters.  Each member agency maintains it own identity and independence while closely collaborating on disaster planning, response, recovery and mitigation.  The ESF-8 WG focuses on the threats and risks most likely to impact Hernando County as outlined in the Hernando County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). Specific roles and responsibilities are described in the Emergency Support Function #8 Health and Medical Annex (ESF-8) to the CEMP.


The ESF-8 WG seeks to “To enhance health, medical, and mental health preparedness and response in Hernando County” and supports the health and medical system in its mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from emergencies and disasters.  This collaboration helps to identify gaps and needs in preparedness, improve effectiveness, mobilize resources, and support local and regional response.


The Hernando ESF-8 Working Group conducts meetings held on the second Thursday bi-monthly at the Hernando County Emergency Operations Center. The EOC is located at 18900 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, 34601.  Our meetings are open to the public.

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