

Register Here   Join us for this first webinar in the TBHMPC Long-Term Care Preparedness Series! It will cover regulatory requirements and recent findings, along with practical insights into handling emergencies effectively through incident command, management, and coordination. This webinar will address the four key phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. We […]

BOLDPlanning CEMP Review Webinar for EM Agencies & DOH

BOLDPlanning will cover how to access and review plans within the platform, and as well as the request process for platform access to begin accessing/reviewing plans. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 899 7015 4967 Passcode: 875114 No pre-registration is needed.    

Essential Evacuation Strategies for Long-Term Care Facilities: Protecting Residents and Ensuring Safety Webinar

Register Here This training is being brought to you by Jensen Hughes through a contract with the the Tampa Bay Health and Medical Preparedness Coalition.  This Webinar will cover the essential components of evacuation planning and execution for long-term care facilities. We'll begin by understanding the importance of preparedness and review real-world case studies about […]

Healthcare Facility Patient Evacuation Planning and Preparedness (HCV12)

Register Here The Healthcare Facility Patient Evacuation Planning and Preparedness virtual healthcare topic imparts knowledge and lessons learned in the planning and execution of evacuating a healthcare facility in preparation for, during, or after a disaster or emergency to class participants. Students review essential components of an evacuation plan from conducting a hazard vulnerability assessment […]

Hospital Incident Command System (HCV7)

Register Here Introduction to the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework. Explores the Hospital Incident Command System as a methodology for effectively applying the incident command system in a healthcare environment. The Hospital Incident Command System is discussed as it pertains to improving emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for both […]

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