Healthcare Facility Patient Evacuation Planning and Preparedness (HCV12)

Register Here The Healthcare Facility Patient Evacuation Planning and Preparedness virtual healthcare topic imparts knowledge and lessons learned in the planning and execution of evacuating a healthcare facility in preparation for, during, or after a disaster or emergency to class participants. Students review essential components of an evacuation plan from conducting a hazard vulnerability assessment […]

Hospital Incident Command System (HCV7)

Register Here Introduction to the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework. Explores the Hospital Incident Command System as a methodology for effectively applying the incident command system in a healthcare environment. The Hospital Incident Command System is discussed as it pertains to improving emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for both […]

Healthcare Facility Emergency Management Program (HCV6)

Register Here Addresses the nine steps for the effective creation of a comprehensive healthcare facility emergency management program. Discusses considerations and procedures for designating an emergency program manager, establishing an emergency management committee, developing an all-hazards emergency operations plan, conducting, and maintaining a hazard vulnerability analysis, developing incident specific guidance or planning guides, coordinating with […]

Autism Awareness for Emergency Services (OLS-V19)

Register Here Discussing the behavioral complications of autistic adults and children. Identifying some of the subtle signs typically associated with autistic individuals, hazards associated with autistic individuals in a stressful emergency, calming techniques, dangers autistic individuals may put themselves, the public and responders into, recommendations for police and fire departments to better understand autism and […]

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